Student Support

At JTI, we believe that providing the best student support is a job of everyone. The main aim of JTI Student Support Officers is to help students to have a smooth and easy transition right from the time of enrolment through to the very end of their study period.
We encourage all students to make the most of our FREE services, which we provide to help them achieve their study goals, to stay happy and healthy, and to know that there is support and assistance when they need it.
Pre-enrollment Assistance Need your Overseas Health Cover?

Apply for your OHSC with Allianz insurance through us. Tell us your requirements and we will set it up for you before your arrival to Australia.
Kindly contact our marketing/ Admissions team to arrange your overseas health cover.
Call us on: +61 1300 144 584 or
Email us at

JTI provides airport pick up services to the students arriving in Australia at minimal charges. The students are offered this service at the time of enrolment with JTI. You can request the cab services by contacting student support officer. You can also send your request through our marketing/ Admissions.
Call us on: +61 1300 144 584 or
Email us at or

TI can arrange your accommodation in Melbourne on request. JTI has an agreement with Australian Homestay Network to have an opportunity of cultural exchange and stay in a warm, welcoming Australian household. JTI student support can also assist students to find a suitable accommodation by contacting various student accommodation agents. Student support officer will help you arrange the accommodation arrangement prior to your arrival in Melbourne, contact our marketing/ Admissions team.
Call us on: +6139653 4100 or
Email us at or
Below is a list of some accommodation providers located near JTI campuses for your temporary stay:
Unilodge on Flinders | +61 (03) 9224 1500 | Near to JTI City Campus | |
Urbanest Student Accommodation | +61 1800 260 801 | Near to JTI City Campus | |
Punthill Dandenong | +61 (03) 8762 4141 | Near to JTI Dandenong Campus | |
Ramada Encore Dandenong | +61 (03) 9793 0088 | Near to JTI Dandenong Campus | |
Some of the websites that you can refer to find suitable accommodation are;
If you are renting and you want information or advice about your rights and responsibilities, you can contact the Tenants Union of Victoria on +6139416 2577or visit the Renting page on
Useful website for more information
On Arrival at Melbourne, contact JTI, international team to let us know that you have arrived. The International team will advise you on the dates of orientation.
JTI conducts orientation program specially designed for the students coming from overseas. The program includes the information regarding support services available to assist with your transition into life and study in Australia.
It is mandatory for all the students to attend the orientation program at the beginning of their studies with Job Training Institute. Students receive an orientation kit, which includes information on: Melbourne train network, Student key contact card, OHSC brochure, details about fair work Australia and JTI student handbook. The students are also assisted to apply for USI (Unique student Identifier) as a part of their orientation program.
A tour of JTI campus is organised to help students locate classrooms, student areas, student administration area, and any other relevant areas such as toilets, library, computer room, fire exits, emergency exits, evacuation points and restricted areas. An optional city tour is conducted for the students where they are shown important places such as train stations, banks, the post office, police station, supermarkets, council library and eateries conveniently situated close to JTI campus.

The JTI key contact card is provided which includes the numbers of JTI key contactable people and emergency services. JTI student support staff also assists international students in setting up bank accounts and applying for their tax file numbers (TFN).
The key contact person for your orientation session is the student support officer. You can also contact any of our student support team which includes the campus reception, campus coordinator/manager, and the international admissions team.
Call us on: +611300 144 584 or
Email us at

TI can assist you with the information if you are feeling sick and you need to see a doctor. In case of emergency on the campus, JTI staff accompanies students to the hospital or doctor’s and JTI emergency process is activated immediately.
In case of emergency outside JTI campus, it is always advisable to contact ‘000’ for ambulance, fire and police. Overseas students must always have their OHSC card handy. You will find the important contact numbers on JTI key contact card provided to you on the day of your arrival at JTI. The available staff to assist you includes a student support officer, campus coordinator/ manager and course manager.
Call us on: +61 1300 144 584 or
Email us at
See the list of hospitals near JTI campuses:
Emergency | 000 | (Open 24 Hours) | |
Dandenong Hospital | (03) 9554 1000 | (Open 24 Hours) | |
Royal Melbourne Hospital | (03) 9342 7000 | (Open 24 Hours) | |
St. Vincent’s Hospital | (03) 9231 2211 | (Open 24 Hours) | |
The Alfred Hospital | (03) 9076 2000 | (Open 24 Hours) | |
Sunshine Hospital | (03) 8345 1333 | (Open 24 Hours) | |
Photo source

Managing finances for a student can be very overwhelming at times and therefore, we can work a plan with you to ensure you pay your fees in a timely manner without causing further financial stress. To discuss your payment options please contact JTI accounts team at
Here are few options that might help you stay on top of your financial obligations:
- Easy Direct Debit
- Payment Plan Options
- Skills First Victoria funding (for Domestic Students)
If you are experiencing any financial stress or hardship it is important that you contact the student support officer to book an appointment for financial counselling or to talk through your payment options. Failure to do so may cause unnecessary further financial stress from falling behind in payments.
Call us on: +61 1300 144 584 or
Email us at

Feeling anxious?
Feeling sad?
Feeling lonely?
Feeling stressed?
Feeling depressed?
We understand that studying in a foreign country can be quiet overwhelming and therefore JTI has engaged the services of a qualified counsellor. This is a FREE counselling service to all JTI students who are facing challenging situations during their study period. To access these services, students need to book an appointment through the Student Support Officer. Alternatively, you can also speak with your Trainer, Course Manager, and /or Campus Coordinator/Manager for assistance or guidance.
Call us on: +61 1300 144 584 or Email us at or
Your Student Support Officer also assists students to make a booking with other free counselling services outside JTI, offered by the local councils and non-profit organisations like:
Melbourne counselling Services | (03) 9653 3250 | |
Salvation Army | 137258 | |
Beyond Blue (Lifeline) | 131114 | |
Dandenong Community Advisory Bureau | (03) 97978344 | |
Need legal assistance? Please contact the student support officer to know about the free services offered by government funded agencies and non-profit organisations. You can also get in touch with the campus coordinator/manager and your course manager to get information.
Call us on: 1300 144 584 or
Email us at

Popular topics:
- Going to court for a criminal charge
- Traffic offences
- Criminal offences
- Separation, divorce and marriage annulment
- Sex and the law
- Police powers and your rights
- Family violence intervention orders
- Parenting arrangements and child contact
- Fines and infringements.
- Seek the general information over the telephone about the law by contacting Victoria Legal Aid ( It is open from Monday to Friday from 8.45 am to 5.15 pm. Call on (03) 9269 0120 or 1800 677 402.
Below are the local authorities for free legal guidance:
Youth law | (03) 9611 2412 | |
Federation of Community Legal Centres | (03) 9652 1500 | |
Ombudsman Victoria | (03) 9613 6222 | |

Starting out to study in a foreign country could be an exciting prospect. However, it's easy to overlook some of the changes like different accent, slang etc. when comparing the academic environment in Australia with that of your home country. English is a second language for most of the students coming from overseas and we don’t want our students to suffer in academic area. For this reason, JTI offers FREE English support classes once in a week.
Anyone who is facing language barrier can attend these classes to practice and have better hold over their English language.
Contact your student support officer, the trainer or the reception to avail more information regarding the timetable:

Popular topics:
Photo source:
If you are facing any difficulties with accessing your Moodle account, submitting your assignments, WIFI or using photocopier, our IT team is happy to help you!
Students can access the photocopier machine with a small fee of $10 for the card available upon request at reception.

For any problems or further queries:- Call us on: (03) 9055 5007
- email us at:
-Ask reception for IT assistance at any campus.
- Or enquire at reception/IT help- desk:
Level 4, 259 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia

Work experience involves undertaking a short-term industry placement that broadens your experience and understanding of theoritical knowledge, industry work and career opportunities. The workplacement coordinator will guide you at each step to prepare for your industry experience. We will make sure that you are well informed about the workplacement rules and regulations and you are confident to undertake work at the allocated facility. All the students are requested to meet workplacement requirements which include: a current first aid, a police check, be medically fit, completed required theory and simulations, immunisations (for nursing students), manual handling (for some courses). A JTI uniform is required for the workplacement-get this at the reception of any JTI campus at a small fee.
If you are pysically unfit to undertake the workplacement or have any other queries, your first point of contact will be your trainer and/or the workplacement coordinator.
You can also contact the student suport officer, your trainer, course mananger and the reception.
Phone: (03) 90555007 or
Email us at:

It is your right to feel safe and secure at all the times and your safety is our utmost priority. The students are given campus tour to familiarize them with the facility and the surroundings. They are made aware of the emergency doors and the fire exit signs. All JTI campuses are equipped with CCTVs for your safety. It is not advisable to stay back afterhours without an attendant on the campus. For the evening classes, JTI security guard escorts the students to the car park to ensure they are safe.
JTI supports students who have reported violence or sexual harassment including assisting them to access relevant counselling, medical, police or legal services.
Your first point of contact is your student support officer. You can also approach the support team (Trainer, Course Manager, Campus Coordinator) depending on your comfort level. Always be aware of your surroundings. Walk in pairs/groups after hours. Read your student handbook for more information on safety precautions. If you, or a student you know, has just been a victim of sexual assault and the student is fearing for their own safety, it is advisable to contact ‘000’ and seek immediate police assistance.
Emergency | 000 | 24 hours | |
Sexual Assault Crisis Line (Victoria) | 1800 806 292 | 24 hours | |
1800 RESPECT (Australia) | 1800737732 | 24 hours | |
Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA House) | (03) 9635 3610 | 24 hours | |
Police/emergency contact line | (03) 8345 3494 | 24 hours | |

Life Health Services is a link between JTI students and the employers to help them gain experience in delivering high quality care to people who need it the most.
Services offered by LHS include:
- Help at Home
- Personal Care Services
- Accommodation
- Nursing and Specialist Care
- Respite Services
- Personal and Skills Development
If looking for a job, contact Life Health Services on:
Email us at:
For more information:
Job training institute is a melting pot of cultures and we embrace, celebrate and respect the diversity within our students. JTI makes an effort to unite the different cultures by throwing the opportunities at the students to know each other better and therefore we have different functions and meetups throughout the year.
Multicultural day
JTI presents this incredible day to celebrate the cultural diversity within JTI community. The motto of this event is; unity in diversity and to refer the world as one. This event does not only represent diversity amongst our students but also amongst our employees. JTI is a beautiful blend of people from all over the world.
What to expect during this day?
A variety of food, wear your traditional attire, music, participate in the dances from various ethnic songs and indoor activities. The purpose of this event is to let students experience different cultures and a chance to know different cultures in a better.

Employers Day

JTI Employer’s Day offers a chance for both current and prospective students to engage with a range of industry partners and providers about job opportunities and industry expectations. Employers also have the chance to discuss industry trends and volunteer opportunities. JTI provides assistance and guidance about resume writing, cover letter writing and interviewing techniques.
Christmas Celebrations
Away from family? Celebrate your Christmas this year with JTI family!!
Everybody is waiting for this time of the year where the students come together to celebrate Christmas while they away from their families. The function is enthusiastically organised by JTI members with booths for fun filled activities, various games, amazing food, tricks by magician and some music and dance. The prizes are distributed at the end of the event to encourage the students to participate in extracurricular activities.

Graduation day

Celebrate your success with us and get rewarded for your hard work!! JTI hosts graduation ceremony every year for the students to celebrate the transition and mark the new beginning of an exciting new chapter in student’s life. The event is hosted on a grand scale by JTI staff. The inspirational speech given by guest speakers, management and aspirational journey is shared by the students and the trainers. If you are graduation this year, look out for your invitation.

Alumni day
A Big Shout out to our Alumni!!!!
Come in and join us for this event and relive your old days. Tell us your Journey with JTI and share your industry experiences with us along with some great food and company. This is a great opportunity for JTI staff and alumni to meet each other, recollect memories and reunite with the old friends. JTI feels proud to host this event and to see the students progressing in their careers.
Paula Mejia Vesga, Columbo

“I am an occupational therapist by profession and studying cert IV in disability at JTI. I must say the case studies that we have in our syllabus are real and gives me a good insight on how to deal with the real work life situation. My trainer - Marie is really nice and is always open to answer the questions. Her teaching technique is so good that makes the content easy to understand.
The most important thing that impressed me about JTI is that it has a good mix of local and international students which forces me to speak in English. The support team at JTI is so friendly and approachable. They always come up with solutions to my problems. I am enjoying my time studying at JTI and it is place where I can fulfil my future aspirations”.
Leezhel Benito, Philippines
“I am impressed on how student support staff and faculty members welcomed me on the first day of the school.
I am studying Diploma of Nursing and my teacher Reena Veigas worked really hard in applying different methods of learning for the benefit of the students. Trainers are readily available on site if students are experiencing difficulties. My trainers are supporting me in everything that I need to turn my dreams of becoming a nurse”.
Sujata Bashyal, Nepal
“Choosing JTI is my decision ever. JTI is so well recognized college in melbourne Australia for future study. I am from Nepal and while searching cilleges for my fututre studies I found JTI best option for to follow my aspiraions.
Without the qualified and friendly trainers, we can’t excel in our studies and have good course progress. Our trainers help us in every possible way. It’s true that being an overseas studnets, we have to face lots of problems relating to accomodation, locations and setting up accounts. JTI team has supported me very well and I am thankful for their servcies. Nursing is my dream profession and I have all the trust that JTI will help me achieve it”.
Sostika Thapa, Nepal
“As I am from Nepal, I got to know about JTI through my friends. I decided to choose JTI as my provider because of its incredible reviews from the students studying here. Besides this JTI has friendly environment and most appealing thing about JTI is every staff member is co-worker is willing to listen to your needs.
Our trainers are really helpful in every aspect like study, assessment and also in counselling or advising students. JTI provides free English support to the students who are having language barriers and that is really an outstanding job done by the college. JTI team has helped new comers a lot ad had a chance to know the college area and the city as they took us in tour. They are helping us in the study as well as also in finding out the good place for accommodation. Every Student has a dream and so do I. JTI has a great role in developing my dreams into reality through providing us with quality education. I am grateful towards JTI.”
Jadwa Shawareb, Jordan
“I am studying Diploma of Early childhood education and care. I chose JTI because I believe JTI can help me on the path to where I want to be in Australia and help me to get into workforce faster, upgrade my existing skills and prepare me for the further study. The truth is that I’m very grateful to my trainer- Nashmeen Qazi to be always delivering us the best lessons and is always ready to help us with the questions in a very welcoming and warm manner. She will always create an atmosphere of joy and happiness in the classroom. English is my second language and sometimes I need help. JTI team has supported me by giving free English language class.
My dream is to open a private school for children who are having learning difficulties and are less fortunate. I think I have stepped at the right place to achieve my dream”.
Sudip Kandel, Nepal
“I am enrolled in nursing qualification with Job Training Institute. The thing that impressed me about JTI is that it offers ample of courses in a multicultural and vibrant environment learning process is more practical and career oriented. The fee structure is affordable and regulations are easily adaptable here. Trainers and other management team cooperate well. The trainers are always available for guidance and the teaching is more practically oriented.
Support team is quite friendly and cooperative. We can borrow books, equipment and other reading resources easily. The students are also given the option to pay their fees in instalments which makes it very easy for a student to tackle their finances. It was my dream to study in a foreign country and JTI helped me in turning my dream into reality.”
Pre-enrolment Guide and Student Handbook