As a Registered Training Organisation, Job Training Institute (JTI) is committed to ensuring that it provides training and assessment that is compliant with the VET Quality Framework and all relevant legislation that will lead to nationally recognized qualifications. All staff recognize the rights of our clients and students in line with our code of practice. The following Code of Practice aims to formalize and assure students of JTI‘s commitment in terms of:
JTI Expectations As members of an academic environment students are expected to:
Students of JTI can expect:
Classroom behaviour All JTI students are expected to comply with the following rules of behavior whilst enrolled at the College:
Student Conduct and Etiquette (Disciplinary Information) JTI expects students enrolled in all courses to behave in a professional and dignified manner in regard to fellow students and trainers. Students guilty of the following will be given a notice of expulsion in writing and fees will not be refunded:
- Respecting and protecting their rights
- Providing correct information, advice and support
- Providing the most suitable course and pathway
- Optimising learning outcomes
- Promoting principles of access and equity
- Regular evaluation of training and assessment delivery
- Industry engagement to ensure relevance and national recognition of our qualifications
- Assessing learner’s current skills and needs prior to enrolment
JTI Expectations As members of an academic environment students are expected to:
- Treat all others with respect and courtesy;
- Treat others equitably irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, race, disability, medical condition, cultural background, religion, marital status, age, or political conviction;
- Respect the opinions and views of others;
- Avoid any conduct that might reasonably be perceived as sexual, racial, or gender-based harassment or otherwise intimidating;
- Attend classes, maintain consistent levels of study, and submit assessment pieces on time;
- Heed and utilise academic performance feedback from teaching staff;
- Familiarise themselves with, and abide by, the JTI’s policies and procedures;
- Maintain high standards and a professional approach to their study program.
- Ensure personal and general hygiene are paid attention to.
- Refrain from littering by using rubbish bins and leaving washrooms and other facilities as you found them.
- Not go to class under the influence of alcohol or any other substance.
Students of JTI can expect:
- To be treated with courtesy and respect;
- To be treated equitably irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, race, disability, medical condition, cultural background, religion, marital status, age, or political conviction;
- To be able to freely communicate and voice alternative points of view in rational debate;
- To participate in a learning environment free from sexual, racial, gender-based, or other forms of harassment;
- To rely on the protection of personal information;
- To be able to access personal records, subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act [1992];
- To be provided with timely and accurate information as it pertains to the course[s], enrolment, and all administrative matters;
- That assessment within course[s] will be equitably and appropriately implemented;
- That the facilities and equipment they use are safe and comply with occupational health and safety guidelines.
Classroom behaviour All JTI students are expected to comply with the following rules of behavior whilst enrolled at the College:
- Demonstrate mutual respect for College staff, and fellow students;
- Turn off all mobile and paging devices during class times and examinations;
- Not eat or drink in classrooms;
- Prepare for each class by undertaking the required reading, and completing all necessary tutorial or laboratory work;
- Attend all classes except when prevented by illness or exceptional circumstances. This is a courtesy to your fellow students and your trainers as well as being in the interest of your own academic progress;
- Arrive at classes at the scheduled time; arriving late is disrespectful to trainers and fellow students;
- Work to the best of their ability;
- Participate actively in learning activities;
- Avoid all forms of academic misconduct;
- Provide constructive feedback when evaluating courses and trainers/assessors;
- Refrain from activities that might negatively impact on other members of the JTI community;
- Be aware of their responsibilities within their courses and program of study, and
- Any other rules of classroom behavior as determined by, and/or negotiated with, their trainer/assessor.
Student Conduct and Etiquette (Disciplinary Information) JTI expects students enrolled in all courses to behave in a professional and dignified manner in regard to fellow students and trainers. Students guilty of the following will be given a notice of expulsion in writing and fees will not be refunded:
- Cheating in-class tests or examinations
- Intimidating other students
- Being disrespectful to staff and other students
- Being rude to a trainer or any other member of Staff or guest trainer
- Causing disruption in a class
- engaging in misconduct deemed unsuitable or unprofessional
- Any other behaviour that is inappropriate
Malicious damage to equipment and/or stealing materials or products will result in instant dismissal. If the matter is not resolved, the Course Manager reserves the right to discharge the student from JTI. Under these circumstances, a student may have the right of audience or a right to appeal to the CEO. Such right of audience or appeal must be requested in writing to the CEO within seven (7) days of suspension or expulsion. See student Complaints and Appeals Policy.