- The potential student accesses information regarding JTI on the web, via an agent or from Job Training Institute direct which includes advice on how to access information on JTI, fee structure, and refund policy and enrolment procedures.
- Prior to enrolment you (the student) must read from JTI website or marketing materials forwarded to you the following information:
- Requirements for acceptance into a course (including English levels, qualifications, work experience and course credit opportunities).
- course content and duration, qualifications on offer, modes of study, and assessment methods
- campus locations and a general description of facilities, equipment, and learning and library resources available to students
- Grounds, on which your enrolment may be deferred, suspended or cancelled.
- Indicative course related fees, including the potential for fees to change.
- Information on accommodation options.
- Schooling obligations and options for school-aged dependents, including that school fees may be incurred.
- Documented procedures in place for assessing students' qualifications, experience and English language proficiency.
- Requirement for a description of the ESOS framework as provided by DOE. Click here for more on ESOS framework. Complete the Student Application of Enrolment Form and gather other documents relevant to the application i.e. certified evidence English language level, certified copy of your school transcripts, birth certificate, passport and any other supporting documentation. This is forwarded to JTI for initial assessment.
- The Application of Enrolment Form is not accepted without appropriate supporting documentation. All International students are required to submit the following with their Student Application of Enrolment Form:
- An authorised copy of their visa (If applicable
- Certified copy of Evidence of English proficiency
- Certified copy of school transcripts, birth certificate and passport
- Any other supporting information such as certified copies of previously attained qualifications.
- An International student’s English proficiency is required to be evidenced by a recognised English Language testing score (IELTS = 5.5(all courses except Nursing which requires a 7 and a minimum score of 7 in each of the four components (listening, reading, writing and speaking) or equivalent.
- If you are starting with ELICOS, then JTI will perform an internal English placement test.
- If the applicant cannot produce a satisfactory IELTS score and there are doubts about English language skills to cope in an academic environment, JTI will advise the applicant to enrol in an ELICOS (English course) for an appropriate duration.
- JTI assesses your educational qualifications (either obtained in Australia or overseas) necessary for studying at a certificate, diploma level or higher education. You will also have assessed to determine whether you have met the entry requirements for the specific course you want to enrol in.
- If your educational qualifications do not meet JTI’s admission requirements, other factors may be considered. These are:i. Mature age ii. Work experience iii. Attitude and aptitude iv. Previous academic results v. Attendance rate in previous college vi. Ability and skills to function in an academic environment vii. Possibility to succeed in your academic endeavours
- All documents submitted must be certified copies.
- Do not supply original documents with your application. If we require an original document at any stage, we will ask for it.
- You should provide ‘certified copies’ of original documents.In Australia, this means a copy which is authorised as a true copy by a person before whom a Statutory Declaration may be made. Such authorised persons include the following: a magistrate, Justice of the Peace, Commissioner for Declarations, Commissioner for Affidavits, a person before whom a Statutory Declaration may be made under the law of the state in which the Declaration is made, a solicitor, registered medical practitioner, bank manager, postal manager, Australian Postal Corporation Officer with 5 years’ service.Outside Australia, in most countries, the following people are authorised to certify documents: Justice of the Peace, and Public Notary.
- JTI admissions team assesses your enrolment documents and checks them for completeness by filling in the international student enrolment checklist. The admissions officer will prepare a Letter of Offer, and this together with the student acceptance agreement are then forwarded to you for signing.
- The student acceptance agreement must at a minimum contain the following information:
- Identify the course or courses in which the student is to be enrolled and any conditions on his or her enrolment;
- Provide an itemised list of course money payable by the student;
- Provide information in relation to refunds of course money;
- Set out the circumstances in which personal information about the student may be shared between JTI and the Australian Government and designated authorities and, if relevant, the Tuition Assurance Scheme. This information includes personal and contact details, course enrolment details and changes, and the circumstance of any suspected breach by the student of a student visa condition; and
- Advise the student of his or her obligation to notify JTI of a change of address while enrolled in the course
- Upon receipt of the signed student acceptance agreement, signed student letter of offer acknowledgement, the tuition fee deposit and enrolment fee, the student’s information is entered into PRISMS within 14 days and an electronic confirmation of enrolment (ECoE) is created by the admissions team or equivalent and forwarded to the Student along with a welcome letter outlining what the student is required to do upon arrival in Australia.Upon arrival in Australia the following procedure will occur for the commencement and orientation of new students to JTI. You will have been supplied with a welcome letter outlining the steps to be taken once you arrive in Australia.
- New students will contact JTI and speak to the International Team, who will take down the students contact details and residential address in Australia.
- The Student contact details will be input by the Admissions team into the Student Management Database and the student file is then created.
- The International Team will inform the student of the induction date.
- The student will then attend orientation day. The student will also be provided with a copy of the student handbook and a student ID card will be created during induction day.
Orientation Program The program for Orientation day will include the following:
- Student stays in Australia
- Requirements to receive a qualification
- Certificates issued on successful completion of the course
- How the skills and knowledge will be assessed
- Recognition of prior learning or recognition of current competency
- How to make a complaint if student is not satisfied with any part of the course
- How to get extra help with learning
- Course timetable and attendance
- Assessment processes and how to appeal of an assessment outcome
- Course progress policy
- Student ID Cards will be issued during orientation (photograph to be taken)
- Student obligations as a student at Job Training Institute including requirements for achieving satisfactory course progress.
- Visa requirements
- Overseas Health Cover
- Introduction to staff
- Evacuation procedure and meeting point
- Fees policy
- General questions
- Lunch
Application Step-by-Step Process:
STEP 1 : Student enquiry and application
(Via agent, exhibition, email, phone or fax)
STEP 2 : International admissions issues
‘offer of a place
STEP 3: Student acceptance
return signed documents including statement of Purpose (SOP)and fees
STEP 4: International Department issues electronic
Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) and schedule health insurance (OSHC)
STEP 5: Student finalizes visa conditions-online application
with Department of Home Affairs
STEP 6: Student makes travel and/or accommodation arrangements
STEP 7: Student arrives in Australia
STEP 8: International student orientation
registration and ID Cards
STEP 9: Student registers for OSHC card
and sets up a bank account, mobile phone, etc.