CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care


This qualification covers workers in early childhood educators who are responsible for designing and implementing curriculum in early childhood education and care services. In doing so, they work to implement an approved learning framework within the requirements of the Education and Care Services National Regulations and the National Quality Standard.

Graduates from Diploma of Early Childhood and Care have responsibility for supervision of other staff and volunteers. In most states it is the highest qualification required at director or service manager level for children’s service centre-based care.

It is noted that whilst Diploma of Early Childhood equips workers to work with children from 0-5 years of age, some workplaces and jurisdictions require workers to have skills and knowledge to work with children in both early and middle childhood (i.e. aged 0-12 years).

Where workers are required to work across the span of development from 0-12 years, candidates should receive training and/or assessment across this broader span of development and in addition to the qualification, be awarded a Statement of Attainment for achievement of the Middle childhood development skill set. VET Student loans is available for this course.

CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care is delivered with Victoria and Common Wealth Government, funding for students who meet the eligibility criteria. Please Note:

For more information, please click here to download a copy of the student handbook in pdf format.

For more information about JTI Online Standards, please click here.

Also read the student code of conduct, rights and responsibilities here

According to Australian Qualifications Framework, Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care course must be delivered for 1-2 years with minimum of 280 hours of work placement. But the Duration for each learner will depend on everyone’s skills and knowledge. For example, students with higher education qualifications and students who are already employed in the industry will find themselves completing the course within a shorter time frame as compared to learners with lower education and no experience in the industry. JTI considers each learner on an individual basis and learners who may want to complete the course at a shorter time frame than the one recommended by AQF will be given the following options:

  • Undertake an assessment with a JTI staff member to demonstrate their capacity to undertake the course within a shorter time frame
  • Produce evidence of higher learning or previous experience
  • Undertake an RPL if applicable.
  • Commit to attending online support classes as well as face to face classes and a commitment to self-study.

JTI offers flexible training which suits individuals and meets industry requirements. The flexible nature of our delivery of these courses [online, blended, face-to-face and self- study] caters to students in need of flexible study and work hours, for example working parents, students studying other courses, those juggling between employment and studies and all who are time constrained and wish to either further their education or change career paths.

To assess your eligibility for government funding, speak to a Job Training Institute staff member or use the government funding button below. Funding available currently is in Victoria. Government Funding Check
Click here to check eligibility

Students with disabilities are encouraged to access funded training places. For further information, contact our staff. Email:, Phone: (03) 9055 5007 | 1300 144 584

Minimum tuition fees for Indigenous students

Under the Indigenous Completions Initiative, all enrolments undertaken by Indigenous students will be charged at the concession rate. This includes Diploma programs.


Skills First Program is a subsidised training scheme through the Victorian Government. It is available to eligible residents in Victoria.
If you are eligible for Skills First Program funding and if you complete this course, government contribution will be approximately $9,690.00 
Fees are subject to change.

JTI is compliant with the Equal Opportunity Act 2010, and Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to access government funded training. Also students from Aboriginal & Torres Islander backgrounds are encouraged to apply. The student tuition fees are indicative only and subject to change dependent on individual circumstances at enrolment. Additional fees such as student services and amenity fees may apply. Concessions on tuition fees for government subsidised training places in all course categories are available to people in the following groups:

  • Commonwealth Health Care Card holders, and their dependent children and dependent spouses
  • Pensioner Concession Card holders, and their dependent children and dependant spouses
  • Veteran’s Gold Card holders (but not their dependants)
Funding Entitlements

JTI advises that accessing Skills First Program entitlement may impact your ability to access further government subsidised training. So be sure this is the course you are interested in, which will enable you get a job and lead to your future career pathway.

Students in Victoria who qualify for government funding are only allowed to undertake 2 courses at the same level in their lifetime with the exclusion of:

  • the Victorian Certificate of Education;
  • Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (Intermediate or Senior);
  • International Baccalaureate Diploma;
  • senior secondary school certificates from other Australian jurisdictions;
  • qualifications listed in the Foundation Skills List (Attachment 1 to these Guidelines);
  • any VET certificates undertaken as part of a senior secondary qualification (including School Based Apprenticeships/Traineeships);
  • where an individual is transitioning from a superseded qualification to the current version of the same qualification; and
  • Where an individual is recommencing training in the same qualification (at either the same or a different provider).

Click here for Fees & Charges

At Job Training Institute we accept a wide range of payment methods:

  • Cheque or money order
  • Cash
  • EFTPOS (whether over the phone or in person)
  • Online credit card and debit card payments (Fees and charges may apply)
  • Direct deposits.
All payment is done in arrears, except the registration fee.Registration Fee is non-refundable.


Unit Code Unit Name Core/Elective
BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness Core
CHCECE041 Maintain a safe and healthy environment for children Core
CHCECE042 Foster holistic early childhood learning, development and wellbeing Core
CHCECE043 Nurture creativity in children Core
CHCECE044 Facilitate compliance in a children’s education and care service Core
CHCECE045 Foster positive and respectful interactions and behaviour in children Core
CHCECE046 Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children Core
CHCECE047 Analyse information to inform children’s learning Core
CHCECE048 Plan and implement children's education and care curriculum Core
CHCECE049 Embed environmental responsibility in service operations Core
CHCECE050 Work in partnership with children’s families Core
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice Core
CHCMGT003 Lead the work team Elective
CHCPOL002 Develop and implement policy Elective
CHCECE053 Respond to grievances and complaints about the service Elective
Assessment Methods Written Assessments, Case Studies/Scenarios, Research Activity/Projects/Plans,Simulations/ role play,reflective practice / Self- reflection,Performance Feedback,third party Observation, Work placement Assessment Task

There are no prerequisites or mandatory entry requirements, allowing flexible entry points that reflect an entrant’s knowledge, skills and experience.
Entry requirements for this course are:

  • Successfully completed CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care or CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood and Education Care
  • An online application or written enrolment form
  • Pre-Training Review which includes a successful completion of language, literacy and numeracy assessment
  • Unique Student Identifier (USI)-done during the enrolment process Identification Documents
  • A Photo ID
  • A completed self-declaration form (Government Funded students only). This form will be provided by our staff upon enrolment.
  • Ability to obtain a Police Check (Note, if your police check has a previous conviction, you need to discuss this with a JTI trainer/Work placement Coordinator before enrolling in this course)


Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assessment:

Prior to course commencement, students will be required to undertake a pre-training review which includes a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assessment. This assessment is used to determine the student’s level of language, literacy and numeracy as well as student’s suitability for the specific qualification as required to complete the course and whether the student requires additional support.The purpose of pre-training review is to check the needs of all potential students and make recommendations as to the most appropriate course that will meet their requirements and capabilities. Students who are assessed as not having the required level of language, literacy and numeracy skills will be referred to external support networks or to JTI English classes for further skills development in the required area/s. Students can re-apply for enrolment once they have developed skills in that area.

  • It would be preferred if you are under 25 that you have completed year 10.
  • If you are over 25, you should have relevant work/life experience.
  • If you are aged 18 years and below, we need further approvals from your guardian before enrolling you in the course.
This course is current as per

Classes for this course are held at a variety of times and locations to be convenient and flexible for today’s busy schedules. All our students have both face-to-face and online learning available to them. Students are to submit assessments online, which is available 24/7 and this minimises the time lapse between submissions, marking and feedback. We encourage our students to take full advantage of our e-learning for studying and submitting assignments. Classes are held regularly at various campuses in Melbourne. Students undertaking online option must attend mandatory simulation sessions, First aid and work placements face to face.Online students must also attend weekly online sessions with a JTI trainer and must be able to identify themselves to the trainer during these online sessions.

Modes of delivery
This course is delivered in various modes which include:
  • Face to face
  • Online
  • Self-directed learning and
  • work placement.

Work placement is undertaken at various industry facilities that are not related to Job Training Institute, hence, we are unable to guarantee work placement at a specific facility. Students will be advised of the venue of their work placement that they must attend as their course progresses.

Third Party Arrangements

Job Training Institute does not deliver this course through third party arrangements. We use brokers or agents for recruitment of students, but not for training. Job Training Institute is responsible for the quality of the training and assessment in compliance with VET standards, and for the issuance of the AQF certification documentation

Delivery Venue

This course will be delivered at one of our campuses or a hired venue. Some students may take the option of attending weekly online classes.

Some assignments that you will undertake may include:

  • Work Observation
  • Personal Journal
  • Short Questions
  • Case Studies/Scenarios
  • Research Activities
  • Portfolio of Work
  • Demonstration
  • Role Playing
  • Practical Exercises
  • Group Activities
  • Formative Assessments
  • Summative Assessment
Assessment Submission

Assessments can be submitted via face to face classes or the online learning environment. Online submission is the preferred mode of assessment submission. Students receive their feedback from the trainers online or through the manual method. Support is provided by the trainers online through email, chat lines, live classes and via the telephone.

Work Placement Program Work placement is not optional; this course minimum of 280 hours of practical placement. We understand the industry and will assist you in finding Work Placement. JTI Work placement Coordinator, JTI Trainers and the student will work collaboratively in securing a work placement.

The process is as follows:
Once you are marked satisfactory for 7 units , you apply for work placement by completing the online form or a manual one in any of our campuses. In the form you indicate your availability and preferred suburbs.Whereas we endeavour to place you in a child care centre of your choice, we can’t guarantee that this will happen all the time to all the students since this depends on availability of spaces in the child care centres.
Once you submit your form, we will keep checking which child care centres are available for you. As a tip, please note that child care centres prefer students who are flexible and reliable. On average it takes about 3 weeks to secure work placement in a child care centre. Requirements for Work Placement

  • Current First Aid Certificate (HLTAID012)
  • Current Working with Children's Check
  • Current Police Check ( less than 12 months-apply for a police check at any JTI campus)
  • Satisfactorily completed 7 units (Trainer's Discretion also applicable)


Note: If you have a previous conviction noted on you police check or working with the children check, talk to our staff before enrolling in this course.

Recognition of Prior Learning is the process that recognises a student’s current skills and experience, regardless of where and when the learning occurred. Students may have existing knowledge and skills, and these could be formally recognised and credited towards a qualification from JTI. For further information on RPL, click here

Credit Transfer (CT)

JTI recognises all qualifications issued under the AQF (Australian Qualifications Framework). Original copies of certificate and transcript will need to be sighted by a trainer. There is no fee for credit transfer. If a credit transfer for ‘Provide First Aid’ unit is applied for, it must be current, including the CPR component which requires a refresher every year. Talk to our staff about credit transfer during the enrolment process.

JTI is committed to ensuring that all students receive adequate learning support to ensure their full potential is reached, therefore, JTI ensures that:

  • The learning and support need of all students is assessed upon entry into a course.
  • All students are made aware of how to access the services they require to successfully complete their course.
  • Feedback is collected about JTI's provision of support services and the feedback is systematically collated, analysed and used to improve training services. Support services available to all JTI students include:
  • The trainer/educator is normally the first point of support. If the student is struggling with any training issues, or anything to do with their results and feedback, they should talk to their trainer for assistance.
  • If the student has an IT issue, they are to email for assistance.
  • For certificates and statement of attainment, students are to contact the quality assurance department on
  • If students would like to access their records, they should contact the campus manager. Contact details at the Dandenong campus are:
  • Any accounting issues, the students are to contact:
  • For work placement issues, students are to contact:
  • For any training concerns, students to contact:
  • For any other student support concerns, students to contact:
For more information on support services

  • Authorised supervisor (children’s services)
  • Centre manager (children’s services)
  • Childhood educator
  • Children’s adviser
  • Children’s service director / manager
  • Children’s services coordinator
  • Director (children’s services)
  • Group/team coordinator/leader (children’s services)
  • Program leader (children’s services)
  • Child development worker

This qualification has pathways for further study in:

  • Bachelor of Education Primary/Secondary
  • Bachelor of Early Childhood Education or Bachelor of Education(Early Childhood)

1. Quality Training and Delivery.

JTI has consistently upheld high-quality training and delivery and achieved the highest rating “Demonstrated Consistently Compliant” a provider can receive from our regulator, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).

As of 2018, JTI was rated by the Department of Education in Victoria as being above the state average in all benchmarks set by the Victorian Government. The measured benchmarks included ratings for student experience and student outcomes. In 2018, 87% of students at JTI stated they were satisfied with us as a training provider which was 10% higher than the Victorian State average for all RTOs that was 77%.

2. Multicultural Diversity

At JTI we celebrate our multicultural diversity and take time to celebrate and embrace all cultures through several social and community events throughout the year such as Multicultural Day and Australia Day. We understand that settling into a foreign country can sometimes be difficult so our ability to relate to students and staff from all walks of life, and from a range of backgrounds helps to ease students into life at JTI. We believe that together, we achieve!!

3. Flexibility

Through blended-learning, we offer flexibility to students which includes: face-to-face, online and self-study modes. For many of our mature students, this flexibility enables our students to manage the balance between work, study and family commitments.

4. Industry Partnerships

Because our training is industry relevant and specific, we maintain strong Industry partnerships, which assist, in our students securing work placements and clinical placements, as well as jobs on completion of their course. We hold employer days where students interact with potential employers as well as an annual Industry luncheon which keep us up to date with industry trends and standards.

5. Community Centric

JTI is part of the community and we are engaged in various community engagements in our neighbourhoods. Two of our campuses are in low social economic demographics and it is our responsibility to ensure students enrolled with us get good student Support enabling them to complete their courses and engage in the workforce. Our trainers as well as student support officers hold a lot of support sessions to encourage students to get going when things get tough.

JTI does not guarantee the following:

1. That a learner will successfully complete a training product on our scope of registration. Learners need to put effort in their study and completion of assignments and JTI will provide the trainers and required resources to enable the learner successfully complete their study.

2. A training product can be completed in a manner which does not meet the requirements of clause 1.1 and 1.2 of VET standards 2015 e.g in a shorter period of time that the AQF specifications.

3. A learner will obtain a particular employment outcome where this is outside the control of JTI. JTI is a training organisation and has no control of employment outcomes.