Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is simply a form of assessment of a learner’s competence. RPL uses evidence from formal and informal learning, rather than from specific assessment activities directed by the RTO. This evidence is often combined with assessment activities sometimes known as ‘ challenge testing’. As such, RPL must be conducted with the same rigor as any other form of assessment.
This process allows competency to be determined without the student being required to complete formal assessment tasks. As a result of recognition gained for a unit, that particular unit will not be required to be included in the student’s course of study.
JTI has a process that has been structured to minimize the time and cost to applicants and provides a supportive approach to students wishing to take up this option.
JTI has a comprehensive RPL process for all courses and units within its scope of registration. All students are provided with information on RPL prior to enrolment and offered the opportunity to take up this option during the enrolment process.
RPL can occur at any time during a course; however, it is best to commence the process at the start of a course to ensure appropriate arrangements are made for any training that is required and to avoid repetition. The RPL process used by JTI is designed to minimize the amount of paper-based evidence required and incorporate ‘ competency conversations’ and verification from third parties to form the basis of the evidence used in the RPL process. This ensures the RPL process is an accessible option for candidates who are appropriately skilled and experienced.
RPL Process at a Glance
The following steps need to be followed if a student wants to apply for RPL:##plugin##43##
Assessing RPL
From the Assessor’s standpoint, when deciding whether a student may already have competency in a unit of competency, the following must be considered:
- Is the student’s prior learning relevant to the course?
- Are the student’s knowledge and skills current? Some fields of study change rapidly that a skill achieved in the past may no longer be relevant or acceptable.
- Is it transferable? A skill should be applicable to a number of settings and situations.
- Is it authentic? The student has to provide evidence or demonstrate that they have the knowledge and skill.
- Are their knowledge and skill appropriate to the level of the unit of competency or course?
- Are the sources of evidence credible and verifiable?
JTI's training and assessment staff will guide the student and assist them in identifying whether they have provided sufficient evidence for an RPL. After the RPL assessment students are obligated to pay the balance of the RPL tuition fees as specified before they receive their certificate. Students who are unsuccessful in their RPL process have a right to formally appeal any RPL assessment through the JTI Appeals Process. Click here to contact us and find out how our Trainers and Assessors can assist you with this process. Do not forget to collect and compile all relevant information about your life, educational and occupational experiences so that it can be used as evidence of your competency.