How to Become a Mental Health Worker in Australia?

Due to the growth in mental diseases, there is a huge need for jobs in the mental health sector. In 2019–20, 4.4 million people (17.2% of the Australian population) filled a prescription for a drug linked to mental health, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). This blog provides a thorough overview of how to find a job as a mental health professional in Australia.

What does a professional in Mental health do?

A mental health professional helps a client in their treatment path and manages their mental health issues. The following is a list of the regular tasks, duties, and responsibilities that mental health professionals must carry out.

  • Monitoring a client's progress and health as they get therapy.
  • Evaluation of the patient's conditions and requirements.
  • Coordination of patient counseling with other medical professionals.
  • In-depth social group collaboration in developing enhanced services and community welfare initiatives.
  • Establishing and carrying out mental health regimens.
  • The keeping and recording of client records, including treatment plans, in compliance with the Rules and guidelines that apply.
  • Educating the neighborhood.

A career in Mental Health?

A mental health professional may work in one of several healthcare settings or in private practices. In hospitals, rehab centers, community centers, or by starting your own psychological counseling business, you may assist patients with support. Other positions in mental health include the following:

  • You must be approved by the Australian Association of Social Workers in order to be eligible for this position.
  • Providing government-sponsored mental health services or acting as a consultant. 
  • Taking up managerial duties in the health industry. 
  • If you like handling money, making rules, planning programs, and doing administrative work, this could be the appropriate profession for you in mental health.
  • Working in public health - This position necessitates close community participation and community collaboration in order to plan health programs.

What does it take to work as a Mental Health Worker?

For entry-level positions in mental health, an accredited university-level bachelor's program in social work or nursing is required. After this, it will be expected that you specialize in mental health. A degree like CHC53315- Diploma in Mental Health from the Job Training Institute can be an ideal way to fulfill this requirement. This course will provide you with all the skills and information you require, as well as prepare you for the difficulties of working in the mental health industry.

By studying Diploma of Mental Health, you will be able to:

  • Deal with patients in groups or one-on-one.
  • Offer sessions of counseling and psychotherapy.

  • Help in administering medicine.
  • Create a person-centered strategy


The Diploma in Mental Health program is more for your personal growth in life than it is for learning how to work with individuals who have mental health concerns. To help people face their mental issues in their daily lives, get yourself enrolled in CHC53315- Diploma in Mental Health from the Job Training Institute today! 

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